Meet Dr. Katherine Murray, D.C.

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Dr. Katherine Murray, D.C. is a highly experienced chiropractor with a distinguished career spanning over 24 years. A 2000 graduate of Life University, Dr. Katherine has dedicated her professional life to providing exceptional chiropractic care across the state of Florida. Throughout her career, she has worked in over 200 different offices, bringing her expertise and compassionate approach to a diverse range of patients.


Dr. Katherine has pursued advanced post-graduate education, specializing in pediatric chiropractic care through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). She has completed a 100 plus 180 hours certification program and is Webster Certified, equipping her with specialized techniques to support prenatal and pediatric patients.


Her commitment to excellence is reflected in the glowing reviews she receives from her patients. Dr. Katherine is consistently rated as a 5-star doctor on Google, recognized for her ability to help patients achieve outstanding results and improve their overall well-being.


When she’s not treating patients, Dr. Katherine stays updated with the latest advancements in chiropractic care to ensure she provides the best possible treatments. Her passion for chiropractic care, combined with her extensive experience and specialized training, makes her a trusted and respected professional in her field.

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Proudly serving the South Tampa, FL community for over 35 years